Trade in Diablo 2 refers to the transaction of Equipment between players. Although there is no value table or something like that in the game per se, the Diablo 2 community has established certain parameters to be able to trade. Note that these parameters are not definitive and may be subject to change when the game releases.
Trading in Diablo 2
To trade, you have to create a "Trade game" or join an already created trade room.
To create game, click on create. you have to give the game you create a name, you can input a password for it (optional), and you may also write a description, where you should write what are you trying to trade. You can also adjust the Maximum number of players and the difficulty.
You don't need to be in party to trade, just to be in the same game. Note that you can only trade while being in the town of the respective chapter (Rogue Encampment, Lut Gholein, Kurast Docks, Pandemonium Fortress or Harrogath).
Select the player you want to trade with by left-clicking with your mouse, and an option to trade will become available. The other player will have to accept your trade request in order to open the trading window.
You will see your inventory space on the left side of the window, and over it, the other player's inventory. There, both of you can put what items you have to trade in your respective inventories. Once you reach an agreement over the goods, you should click the check button, it will turn green once you do. If both of you do it, the trade will execute successfully.
Beware of scammers when trading. Be aware of the items placed in the other player's inventory at all time. Some players may change the item at the last given second for another one that looks exactly the same, but probably has lower stats, Runes or Gems.
Trading Tips for Diablo 2
There are a few things that a player must note when trading a certain item. Note that these are some advices, about trading in general. Specific trades may require different trading strategies, depending on the personality, needs and willingness to trade of the people engaging in the trade.
- Tradeability: This value takes into account if it is a needed item for various Classes, if it is used in various Builds, etc.
- Current time in the season: Some items have a certain value at the start of a season, and maybe by the end of the season, such item has a lower value. Why is that? because at the beginning of the season, that item may be in need given that nobody has it, and at the end of the season, most players may already have it.
- Desire of the Item: It is important to note that each and everyone may have a specific desire for an item, besides the "global desire for respective item". You can offer the same item to 2 different people and be presented with two incredibly different offers for it. Always analyze your offers.
- Time to get and item/ Time the item sits in the stash: This is basically the time the item stays in your stash while you are selling it. If you demand a "high price" it may not sell for a long time, taking space in your stash, rendering you unable to using that space to keep trading more items. It is important if you want to keep trading a lot, to let your inventory flow and know when to take a deal, to keep making room for more Items.
- When trading for Runewords it is also important to note in which item is the Runewords being used, as well as if the stats the Runewords provides are as near as possible to perfect stats.
- Anonymous
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