Patch Notes for Diablo 2 are Updates and changes made to the game by developers. This page gives players an overview of changes to the game deployed by Activision Blizzard. Developers usually deploy patches to balance gameplay, adjust mechanics, fix bugs and errors or add content.
Patches for Diablo 2
Blizzard just announced that Diablo 2 Resurrected will be getting a balance patch in a surprising blog update. The previous patch, 1.13c, was released over 11 years ago and will be sunset in favour of Patch 2.4. It is estimated that the Patch launch will be sometime in 2022.
If you´d like more information about the new coming Patch you can chek the full article by Clicking Here
Platforms: PC / PS4 / Xbox
Date of Patch: February 17th 2023
Patch Highlights
Individually they are mighty, but when uttered in unison, a greater force is awoken—this is the mystique of Runewords. Call upon these archaic forces to transform your ordinary items into a wieldable force of destruction capable of smiting demonic hordes.
We are introducing eight new Runewords for Ladder and Offline Single-Player play. Our intent with introducing these additional Runewords to Diablo II: Resurrected is to sprinkle variety into the competitive meta, creating an opportunity for players to forge new strategies as they race to Level 99. The bulk of these Runewords focus on bolstering resistance bonuses, while the other Runewords are centered on movement speed, and Assassin and Druid builds.
New Runewords: Bulwark, Cure, Ground, Hearth, Temper, Hustle, Mosaic and Metamorphosis.
The Seven Runewords and handful of Horadric Cube recipes that were added in Ladder Season One can now be used in non-Ladder Online game modes.
Runewords: Flickering Flame, Mist, Obsession, Pattern, Plague, Unbending Will, and Wisdom.
To spice things up further, we have made changes to Terror Zones. Also, Terror Zones are now available in offline games! Offline Terror Zones will operate on a different schedule from their online counterpart but function the same otherwise. Remember, you can now receive Sundering Charms as a drop in offline Terror Zone games too.
New zones may be terrorized or zones that will now be terrorized in unison:
- ACT I: Underground Passage, Black Marsh/The Hole, Barracks
- ACT II: Ancient Tunnels
- ACT III: Great Marsh
- ACT V: Frigid Highlands/Abbadon, Drifter Cavern, Pit of Acheron
Quality-of-Life Updates and Bug Fixes
- Auras from another player or a mercenary no longer remove passive bonuses granted by the same skill. Such as Flickering Flame's Resist Fire aura from a mercenary overwriting a Paladin's base Resist Fire from their own hard points in Resist Fire.
- This also fixes an issue where Paladin's Blessed Aim Aura would overwrite the Attack Rating increase granted by Amazon's Penetrate skill.
- Assassin
- The Assassin's trap skills now benefit from -% to Enemy Resistance.
- Fixed an issue where missiles created from Martial Arts charge up skills would not gain the benefit of +% To Elemental Skill Damage modifiers.
- Amazon
- Fixed an issue where Strafe was not applying bonus Attack Rating to attacks.
- Fixed an issue where Strafe was still doing 75% weapon damage after a previous balance change.
- Fixed issue where the +% Attack Rating on Power Strike was not being applied.
- Fixed the tooltip for Multi Shot to reflect the synergy bonus.
- Sorceress
- Cold Mastery is now applied at 1/5 effectiveness after an immunity is broken.
Developer’s Note: We wanted to bring Cold Mastery in line with all other skill-based elemental resistance reducing effects for increased consistency.
- Fixed an issue where Fire Mastery's bonus to fire skill damage didn't apply to the additional fire damage granted by Enchant on ranged weapons.
- Updated the tooltip for Enchant to better reflect the skill's effects.
- Druid
- Fixed an underlying issue that caused the Druid's Shockwave skill to do an unintended amount of damage.
Developer’s Note: We wanted to implement targeted changes and buffs for the Druid instead of having a particular Druid build be strong because of a bug.
Terror Zones
- Fixed Terrorized treasure classes for certain super-unique monsters and bosses.
- Fixed an issue where an act boss's quest treasure class would sometimes be used instead of the terrorized treasure class.
- Fixed an issue where the current terrorized zone was not properly marked in the Waypoint menu while using Legacy Graphics.
- Fixed an issue with translations that appear when The Pit is the current terrorized zone.
- Fixed an issue where skills granted by charges on a character’s alternate slot weapon would have their bound hotkeys unusable when loading into a game.
- Fixed an issue where the Loot to Cube skill would not function if bound to the shared interaction button.
- Fixed an issue where pressing the hotkey to open the inventory while loading into the game could cause the inventory UI to appear empty.
- Fixed an issue where the Shared Stash could exceed the memory limit, which caused items in the player's inventory or Stash to be deleted.
- Fixed an issue where the tooltip on the Lobby's season dropdown would show an inaccurate date.
- Fixed an issue where new entries on the leaderboard could display as Unknown.
- Fixed an issue where applying changes to controls would automatically close the settings menu.
- Fixed an issue where changes to controls would not be immediately applied.
- Fixed an issue where swapping between keyboard and mouse input and controller input would reset the difficulty filter in the PC Lobby game list.
- Added an appropriate error message when trying to create an online character with a name that is already taken on the player's online character list.
- The Ladder flag in character creation will now be disabled when there is no active Ladder Season.
- Fixed an issue with a voice over line from Tyrael in Chinese.
- Fixed an issue with the Chinese version of Deckard Cain's Stay a while and listen voice over dialogue.
- Moved the "% Damage Synergy" field for Multiple Shot (srvdofunc ? from calc4 to calc5.
- New columns have been added. Developers of existing offline single-player mods can remake their changes with the new data, or they can add the new columns manually before merging.
- skills.txt
- "ItemUseRestrict"
- skilldesc.txt
- "item proc text"
- "item proc descline count"
- states.txt
- "sunder-res-reduce"
- skills.txt
PATCH Nº: 2.4
Platforms: PC / PS4 / Xbox
Date of Patch: TBC
Patch Highlights
- Class Balances
- Ranked Ladder
- Mercenray Changes & New Rune Worlds
Javelin and Spear Skills:
- First up, the Amazon’s Melee skill synergies are being buffed. Affected skills are Power Strike, Charged Strike and Lightning Strike.
- Impale in particular, will now be uninterruptible and will always hit its targets.
- Fend will have its attack speed increased by 100%.
- Lastly, Plague Javelin’s numbers have been improved to make it more distinct from Poison Javelin.
Passive and Magic Skills:
- Few passive skills have received minor buffs.
- Inner Sight and Slow Missiles’ radius were increased by about 35%.
- Slow Missiles now scales per level instead of it being a fixed rate.
- Dodge and Avoid skills animation can now be interrupted to perform other actions, making combat feel more fluid.
Bow and Crossbow Skills:
- Freezing Arrow, Magic Arrow, Guided Arrow and Strafe receive minor damage or mana cost buffs to make them more usable.
- Fire Arrow, Exploding Arrow and Immolation Arrow are getting major buffs. Their overall mana costs have been reduced. Damage scaling was also improved, especially at higher skill levels to be more useful in Nightmare and Hell Difficulty
Martial Arts:
- The Martial Arts resource system, combo points and finishers are getting a major change. Instead of a Finishing Move consuming all 3 combo charges, it will now only use 1. This should make resource management a lot easier.
- Dragon Talon, Dragon Claw, Dragon Tail and Dragon Flight are all being buffed as they always hit their targets as long as the Assassin has a Martial Arts charge. Their damage is being increased as well.
- Combo skills Claws of Thunder, Blades of Ice, Tiger Strike, Cobra Strike and Phoenix Strike will all get attack rate improvements for smoother gameplay.
Shadow Disciplines:
- The Shadow Disciplines skills are already widely used and generally effective so no major buffs were warranted.
- Venom’s duration scaling was changed to be consistent with the duration of Bust of Speed and Fade.
- Shadow Warrior and Shadow Master casting delays reduced from 6 seconds to 0.6 seconds, and no longer share a cooldown with other skills with cast delay.
- The reliance on Death Sentry synergies was removed from multiple traps.
- Fire traps such as Fire Blast, Wake of Fire and Wake of Inferno are being rebalanced to be more effective at higher difficulties.
- Blade Sentinel, Blade Fury and Blade Shield receive major buffs to make dedicated builds around these skills.
- These skills are generally getting quality of life changes, such as updating tooltips to show hidden skill mechanics.
- Grim Ward also Slows and Increases Damage Taken from enemies, added Synergy for the skill Find Potion.
Combat Masteries:
- As mentioned before, Throwing Barbarians should be more viable now.
- Throwing Mastery added a chance for projectiles to pierce.
Combat Skills:
- Leap and Leap Attack animation speeds increased by 75% to make it feel more responsive.
- Leap Attack also received multiple damage and attack rating buffs.
- Double Throw increased damage bonus.
- Frenzy’s synergy with Increased Stamina skill to add the duration.
Elemental Skills:
- Flames are the main focus of the Druid’s Elemental skills.
- Fire skills such as Firestorm, Molten Boulder, Fissure, Volcano and Armageddon have their Casting Delays tweaked and will not share cooldowns with other skills.
- Physical Damage components of certain skills had their scaling improved to make them viable alternate damage sources. This will make them more useful against fire immune enemies particularly in Hell difficulty.
- Cyclone Armor and Hurricane buffs can now be cast in Werewolf or Werebear form, thereby removing the need to switch forms to maintain the buffs.
Shape Shifting Skills:
- Werewolf and Werebear forms get changes to attack speed. Base attack speed should now match the druid’s natural form.
- Previously, the morphed forms had lower base attack speed. This should make them attack faster and feel more responsive. Werewolf skills Rabies and Fury have gained Attack Rating Improvements.
- Werebear skills Maul, Shock Wave and Fire Claws received damage buffs.
Druid Summoning Skills:
- All summons are getting standardized health values instead of being random.
- Spirit Summons Oak Sage, Heart of the Wolverine and Spirit of Barbs are getting a flat 25% Physical Damage Resistances across all difficulties to aid in their survivability.
- Raven damage scaling improved greatly and synergies were added. However, the number of hits they can do is being reduced to 5 and no longer increases per level.
- Wolf Summons are getting damage buffs to further their role as the damage-dealing summons.
- Creeper Summons have their functions buffed to be more worthy to invest skill points in.
Necromancer Summoning Spells:
- Skeletal Mage is getting significant buffs as it is the most under-utilized summoning skill. Aside from a minor health increase, Poison, Cold and Lightning damages have been buffed across the board.
- Blood Golem and Fire Golem have their damage increased.
- Iron Golem’s Thorns ability now has more consistent damage.
Poison and Bone Spells:
- Bone Spear and Bone Spirit receive minor buffs to their synergies to reward investing in the Bone Skills.
- Bone Armor will now absorb a bit more damage.
Defensive Auras:
- Tooltips updated to show the hidden functionality of the aura that increases Maximum Resist Bonus.
Offensive Auras:
- Damaging auras such as Holy Fire, Holy Freeze, Holy Shock and Sanctuary now deal damage based on distance from the caster. The damage will range from 100% from the farthest range to 200% when the target is right beside the caster.
- Thorns is being updated to now deal a flat damage value instead of percentage-based. The player will now deal thorns damage after an enemy attempts to attack them, not after they get hit. This should make Thorns usage less risky and more consistent. The change also affects the Druid’s Spirit of Barbs and Necromancer’s Iron Golem.
Combat Skills:
- Holy Bolt’s damage is increased by 50% but loses Blessed Hammer Synergy. It will now also pierce targets to make it more viable.
- Fist of Heavens also gets the changes of Holy Bolt and have less Casting Delay to make it more viable.
Mercenray Changes
Hiring a Mercenary in Expansion mode will now always offer mercenaries that match your character's Level, instead of having a randomized Level difference from your character's Level.
Act 1 - Rogue Scouts:
- Updated each stat/skill gains in each difficulty to match so that there is no disadvantage of leveling up a Hell difficulty mercenary versus a Normal difficulty mercenary. The Rogue Scout is getting new flavored ranged skills that will scale as she levels up. These new skills should improve her AoE (Area of Effect) damage effectiveness and thus make her a more effective ranged damage dealer.
Act 2 - Desert Mercenary:
- Updated each stat/skill gains in each difficulty to match so that there is no disadvantage of leveling up a Hell difficulty mercenary versus a Normal difficulty mercenary.
- Nightmare and Hell difficulty now have all 6 different aura types available from the Hire menu, instead of separating them out by 3 per difficulty. Normal is unchanged.
- The Desert Mercenary is already popular, but Blizzard saw an opportunity to add some quality-of-life improvements by allowing players to hire all six different Aura types in Nightmare and Hell difficulty, rather than having to switch between modes. With the general improvements to “Thorns,” they wanted to improve the level scaling to make this aura mercenary type more meaningful.
Act 3 - Iron Wolf:
- Updated each stat/skill gains in each difficulty to match so that there is no disadvantage of leveling up a Hell difficulty mercenary versus a Normal difficulty mercenary.
- Life baseline and scaling increased by about 25% (Now has Life similar to the Rogue Scout)
- Defense baseline and scaling increased by about 40% (Now has defense closer to the Rogue Scout)
- Resistances baseline and scaling increased by about 20% (Now has the highest resistances baseline compared to other mercenaries)
- The Iron Wolves are great elemental sorcerers, but we saw they have been underperforming in higher difficulties. Blizzard improved their core stats so that they are more in line with other mercenaries while also having a distinct advantage with having the most resistance values. For skills, they wanted to embrace their elemental fantasies, so they decid to give new flavorful utility skills, to further incentivize reasons to want to use these mercenary types.
Act 5 - Barbarian Warriors:
- Updated each stat/skill gains in each difficulty to match so that there is no disadvantage of leveling up a Hell difficulty mercenary versus a Normal difficulty mercenary.
- Life baseline scaling increased (Now has the most life compared to other mercenaries)
- Defense baseline and scaling increased and the scaling at higher levels was reduced (Now has the highest defense baseline compared to other mercenaries)
- Bash level scaling increased and will no longer be capped at level 80
- Stun level scaling increased and will no longer be capped at level 80
- Added Battle Cry
- Now the Barbarian Warrior has more identity while still maintaining his Barbarian fantasy. In addition, Blizzard wanted to increase his Life and Defense scaling to ensure that he is the tougher mercenary type.
The New Runewords
New additions for Diablo 2: Resurrected’s 2.4 Patch
Unbending Will
First up we have the Runeword Unbending Will. The relatively higher level requirement and the fact that this can only be placed in the Sword weapon type limits the options for use. It looks like only a 6 socketed Colossus Blade can fit the bill. It is the weapon with the highest base damage and exactly at the level 63 rune requirement. Having +330% enhanced damage is a huge boon to the Colossus Blade’s already high base damage.
However, as the item does not have a large Increased Attack Speed stat, it will likely fall out of favour for Whirlwind Barbarians who need a lot of this.
Additionally, since Unbending Will has a chance for the wielder to cast Level 18 Taunt, it can be ideal to put on a tanky mercenary. A Taunt at this skill level means affected targets lose a substantial 39% Damage and Attack Rating. The most likely candidate would be the Act V Barbarians, as the Desert Mercenaries can only use spears. This is in line with the previous developer blog stating that the team wanted to buff the underused mercenaries.
Rune Order: Fal + Io + Ith + Eld + El + Hel
Required Level: 63
the Mist Runeword looks to give the much-needed buffs to bows and crossbows. Blizzard has confirmed that they do intend to buff the skills related to these weapons, so a new Runeword set makes sense as well. The +3 to All Skills, Increased Attack Speed and a large increase to base Damage are already good features. However, we also get a large increase in elemental resistances, a chance to freeze and pierce targets.
Lastly, this also looks like it’s giving an indirect buff to the Act I mercenary, the Rogue Scouts. They are the only hireling that can use a bow. Equipping mist will grant them a Level 9 Concentration Aura, which gives them enhanced utility comparable to the Desert Mercenary. This gives allies within a 21.3-yard radius a whopping +180% bonus damage.
Rune Order: Cham + Shael + Gul + Thul + Ith
Required Level: Level 9 Concentration Aurs when equipped
Wisdom looks like a very good levelling item that can help out Amazons greatly in the early game. Perhaps something like a Plague Javelin Amazon will make good use of this Runeword. It has a ton of mana-regenerating effects, such as Mana Steal, Mana After Kill. Like Mist earlier, it also has a Pierce Attack, though is limited to 33% instead of 100%.
While Pattern is not a new Runeword (it has been in the game files since version 1.11), it has been unusable. This Assassin specific Runeword adds a complete set of Elemental Damage. You can burn, shock, freeze and poison your foes all at the same time. As the bonuses are rather small compared to the other Runewords featured today, we can assume that this is a very early game set to be used for levelling an Assassin as well.
Horadric Cube Recipes
- New ting" href="/Crafting">Horadric Cube Recipes, Set Item changes, and new Runewords are on the horizon! New Horadric Cube Recipes being implemented will allow for upgrading the item quality of Set Items to give more item build possibilities. Set Item changes will update underperforming Set Items, to have more bonuses, giving players more incentive to pursue Partial and Full set items that can complement the skill changes alluded above. Lastly, new Runewords will be added to complement the Skill and Mercenary changes coming in the update.
Set Item Bonus Changes
Many improvements have been made to Set items that are generally underused by players. These will offer more reasons to equip multiple of these Set pieces and to give some Sets new capabilities to make them stand out more, which further fuels more build diversity.
Arcanna's Tricks Set
- Increased +25 Mana to +50 Mana (2 Items)
- Added Regenerate Mana 12% (3 Items)
- Added +1 to All Skills (Full Set)
Arctic Gear Set
- Changed 6-14 Cold Damage to +2-198 to Maximum Cold Damage (+2 Per Character Level) (Full Set)
Bul-Kathos' Children Set
- Increased +20 Fire Damage to +200 Fire Damage (Full Set)
- Increased +25 Defense to +200 Defense (Full Set)
- Added 10% Life Stolen Per Hit (Full Set)
- Added +20% Deadly Strike (Full Set)
Cathan's Traps Set
- Added Regenerate Mana 16% (2 Items)
Civerb's Vestments Set
- Increased Fire Resist +15% to Fire Resist +25% (2 Items)
- Added 25% Bonus to Attack Rating (Full Set)
- Added 4-396 Defense (+4 Per Character Level) (Full Set)
Cow King's Leathers Set
- Added 5-495 Defense (+5 Per Character Level) (2 Items)
- Added +100 to Life (Full Set)
- Added +1 To All Skills (Full Set)
Infernal Tools Set
- Added Maximum Mana 20% (Full Set)
- Added Cannot Be Frozen (Full Set)
Iratha's Finery Set
- Added +24% Piercing Attack (3 Items)
Milabrega's Regalia Set
- Added Cannot Be Frozen (3 Items)
- Added +2-198 To Lightning Damage (+2 Per Character Level) (2 Items)
Naj's Ancient Vestige Set
- Added 1-148% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items (+1.5 Per Character Level) (2 Items)
- Increased Replenish Life +10 to Replenish Life +20 (Full Set)
- Added +2 To Fire Skills (Full Set)
- Added Increased Maximum Life 12% (Full Set)
Sazabi's Grand Tribute Set
- Added Poison Length Reduced by 75% (2 Items)
- Added +1 To All Skills (Full Set)
- Added Damage Reduced by 16% (Full Set)
Vidala's Rig Set
- Added 7% Mana Stolen Per Hit (2 Items)
- Changed Adds 15-20 Cold Damage to +1-148 to Maximum Cold Damage (+1.5 Per Character Level) (Full Set)
Ranked Ladder
Like Diablo II Classic, Diablo II: Resurrected will feature four different Ladder modes, including:
- Standard Ladder: The casual version of Ladder play that encompasses playing with four acts.
- Hardcore Ladder: The hardcore (only 1 life) version of Ladder play that encompasses playing with four acts.
- Standard Expansion Ladder: The casual version of Ladder play that encompasses playing five acts, as it includes the “Lord of Destruction” expansion content.
- Hardcore Expansion Ladder: The hardcore (only 1 life) version of Ladder play that encompasses playing five acts, as it includes the “Lord of Destruction” expansion content.
For the first time, players will have the chance to unlock a host of new Runewords in the Ladder system! To be clear, these Runewords have never existed in the game before, and they will not be accessible in non-Ladder play like the previous set of Ladder-only Runewords in the original Diablo II experience. At the end of a Ladder season, players who successfully made these Runewords will have their Ladder characters be moved into a “non-Ladder” version of the game. Then at the beginning of the next Ladder season, players will make a new Ladder character and start all over again to earn new rewards.
Amazon Skills Changes
Javelin And Spear Skills
- This skill is now an uninterruptible attack
- Attack Rating modification has been removed. Now this skill will always hit the target
- This skill now slows the target by a percentage for a duration
- Attack Speed increased by 100% (Reduced the rollback frames value between each attack)
Power Strike
- Removed synergy from Lightning Fury skill
- Lightning Bolt synergy increased from +10% to +14%
- Charged Strike synergy increased from +10% to +14%
- Lightning Strike synergy increased from +10% to +14%
Charged Strike
- Removed synergy from Lightning Fury skill
- Power Strike synergy increased from +10% to +14%
- Lightning Bolt synergy increased from +10% to +14%
- Lightning Strike synergy increased from +10% to +14%
Lightning Strike
- Removed synergy from Lightning Fury
- Power Strike synergy increased from +8% to +11%
- Lightning Bolt synergy increased from +8% to +11%
- Charged Strike synergy increased from +8% to +11%
Poison Javelin
- This skill’s damage scaling at high levels has been slightly adjusted
- Casting Delay will no longer share its cooldown with other skills that have Casting Delays
- Tooltip updated to now display Casting Delay
Plague Javelin
- Poison duration is now fixed at 3 seconds
- Poison Javelin synergy increased from +10% to +14%
- Casting Delay reduced from 4 seconds to 1 second
- Casting Delay will no longer share its cooldown with other skills that have Casting Delays
- Tooltip updated to now display Casting Delay
Passive And Magic Skills
Inner Sight
- This skill’s radius has increased by 35%
Slow Missiles
- Missile slow now scales instead of staying at a flat base of 33%
- This skill’s radius has increased by 35%
- This skill will now reduce enemy missile damage based on skill level
- Casting Delay reduced from 6 seconds to 0.6 seconds
- Casting Delay will no longer share its cooldown with other skills that have Casting Delays
- Tooltip updated to now display Casting Delay
- The animation can now be interrupted and will no longer lock out the Amazon from performing other actions
- The animation can now be interrupted and will no longer lock out the Amazon from performing other actions
Bow And Crossbow Skills
Freezing Arrow
- Mana Cost per level reduced from +0.5 to +0.25
Magic Arrow
- Increased the amount of physical damage converted to magic damage for the base level and per level
Guided Arrow
- Damage bonus per level increased from +5% to +7%
- Removed the 25% weapon damage reduction from this skill
- Now also gives increased Attack Rating with +30% baseline and +9% per level
Fire Arrow
- Mana Cost no longer increases per level
Exploding Arrow
- Damage scaling increased by about 50% for higher skill levels
- Fire Arrow synergy increased from +12% to +14%
- Mana Cost per level reduced from +0.5 to +0.25
Immolation Arrow
- Average Fire Damage per second scaling increased by about 100%
- Casting Delay will no longer share its cooldown with other skills that have Casting Delays
- Tooltip updated to now display Casting Delay
- Mana Cost per level reduced from +0.5 to +0.25
Assassin Skills Changes
Martial Arts
Fist of Fire
- Attack Rating bonus increased from +15% to +25% baseline, and from +7% to +10% per level
Claws of Thunder
- Attack Rating bonus increased from +15% to +25% baseline, and from +7% to +10% per level
Blades of Ice
- Attack Rating bonus increased from +15% to +25% baseline, and from +7% to +10% per level
Tiger Strike
- Attack Rating bonus increased from +15% to +25% baseline, and from +7% to +10% per level
Cobra Strike
- Attack Rating bonus increased from +15% to +25% baseline, and from +7% to +10% per level
Phoenix Strike
- Attack Rating bonus increased from +15% to +25% baseline, and from +7% to +10% per level
Dragon Talon
- Now consumes only 1 of each Martial Arts charge when cast
- Now always hits the target only if the Assassin has any Martial Arts charges
Dragon Claw
- Now consumes only 1 of each Martial Arts charge when cast
- Now always hits the target only if the Assassin has any Martial Arts charges
- Damage bonus per level increased from 5% to 15%
Dragon Tail
- Now consumes only 1 of each Martial Arts charge when cast
- Now always hits the target only if the Assassin has any Martial Arts charges
- Damage bonus per level increased from 10% to 20%
Dragon Flight
- Now consumes only 1 of each Martial Arts charge when cast
- Now guarantee hits the target only if the Assassin has any Martial Arts charges
- Casting Delay removed
- Damage bonus per level increased from 25% to 35%
Shadow Disciplines
- Tooltip updated to now show the physical damage resist reduction
- Buff Duration scaling per level changed from 4 seconds to 12 seconds (matching Burst of Speed and Fade)
Shadow Warrior
- Casting Delay reduced from 6 seconds to 0.6 seconds
- Casting Delay will no longer share its cooldown with other skills that have Casting Delays
- Tooltip updated to now display Casting Delay
Shadow Master
- Casting Delay reduced from 6 seconds to 0.6 seconds
- Casting Delay will no longer share its cooldown with other skills that have Casting Delays
- Tooltip updated to now display Casting Delay
Shock Web
- Removed synergy from Death Sentry skill
- Charged Bolt Sentry synergy increased from +11% to +17%
- Lightning Sentry synergy increased from +11% to +17%
- Casting Delay will no longer share its cooldown with other skills that have Casting Delays
- Tooltip updated to now display Casting Delay
Charged Bolt Sentry
- Removed synergy from Death Sentry skill
- Fire Blast synergy increased from +6% to +9%
- Lightning Sentry synergy increased from +6% to +9%
Lightning Sentry
- Removed synergy from Death Sentry skill
- Shock Web synergy increased from +12% to +18%
- Charged Bolt Sentry synergy increased from +12% to +18%
Fire Blast
- Removed synergy from Death Sentry skill
- Shock Web synergy increased from +9% to +11%
- Charged Bolt Sentry synergy increased from +9% to +11%
- Wake of Fire synergy increased from +9% to +11%
- Lightning Sentry synergy increased from +9% to +11%
- Wake of Inferno Sentry synergy increased from +9% to +11%
Wake of Fire
- Fire Blast synergy increased from +8% to +10%
- Wake of Inferno synergy increased from +8% to +10%
Wake of Inferno
- Removed synergy from Death Sentry
- Fire Blast synergy increased from +10% to +18%
- Wake of Fire synergy increased from +7% to +18%
Blade Sentinel
- Casting Delay reduced from 2 seconds to 1 second
- Casting Delay will no longer share its cooldown with other skills that have Casting Delays
- Tooltip updated to now display Casting Delay
- Missile speed increased by 20%
- Weapon Damage increased from 37% to 75%
- Blade Fury synergy added: +10% Damage per level
- Blade Shield synergy added: +10% Damage per level
Blade Fury
- Blade Sentinel synergy added: +10% Damage per level
- Blade Shield synergy added: +10% Damage per level
Blade Shield
- Duration baseline value increased from 20 seconds to 120 seconds (matching Burst of Speed and Fade)
- Duration scaling per level increased from 5 seconds to 12 seconds (matching Burst of Speed and Fade)
- Weapon Damage increased from 25% to 75%
- Blade Sentinel synergy added: +10% Damage per level
- Blade Fury synergy added: +10% Damage per level
- Tooltip updated to now display Radius
Barbarian Skills Changes
Warcries Skills
Tooltip updated to now display Radius
Battle Cry
- Tooltip updated to now display Radius
War Cry
- Damage increased by about 30%
- Tooltip updated to now display Radius
- Duration baseline increased from 20 seconds to 30 seconds (matching Battle Orders)
- Tooltip updated to now display Radius
Battle Orders
- Tooltip updated to now display Radius
Battle Command
- Duration baseline increased from 5 seconds to 30 seconds (matching Battle Orders)
- Tooltip updated to now display Radius
Grim Ward
- Radius baseline value increased
- Now also Slows and increases Damage Taken for nearby enemies.
- Find Potion synergy added: +5% Damage Taken per level
Barbarian Combat Skills
- Baseline minimum distance increased
- Speed of the leap motion increased by 75%
- Tooltip updated to now display Knockback Radius
Leap Attack
- Speed of the leap motion increased by 75%
- Damage baseline increased from 100% to 200%
- Attack Rating baseline increased from 50% to 100%
- Attack Rating per level increased from 15% to 20%
- Leap synergy increased from +10% to +15% Damage per level
- Shout synergy replaced with Battle Orders
Double Throw
- Added damage bonus with 16% baseline and 8% damage increase per level
- Increased Stamina synergy added: +0.4 Seconds per Level
Druid Skills Changes
Elemental Skills
- Casting Delay will no longer share its cooldown with other skills that have Casting Delays
- Tooltip updated to now display Casting Delay
Molten Boulder
- Missile speed increased by 100%. Missile range decreased by 50% (The overall travel length remains the same)
- Casting Delay reduced from 2 seconds to 1 second
- Casting Delay will no longer share its cooldown with other skills that have Casting Delays
- Tooltip updated to now display Casting Delay
- Volcano synergy increased from 10% to 12%
- Casting Delay will no longer share its cooldown with other skills that have Casting Delays
- Tooltip updated to now display Casting Delay
- Molten Boulder synergy increased from 12% to 16%
- Tooltip updated to now show Volcano duration
- Casting Delay will no longer share its cooldown with other skills that have Casting Delays
- Tooltip updated to now display Casting Delay
- Casting Delay has been removed for this skill
- Physical Damage significantly increased
- Tooltip updated to now display Physical Damage
- Volcano synergy changed to increase Physical Damage instead of Fire Damage, and increased from 14% to 18%
Arctic Blast
- Removed synergy from Hurricane
- Base damage and level scaling increased by ~100% (also to compensate for the incorrect damage calculation in the past)
- Controls are updated so that the skill now casts in free form and no longer locks onto one target at a time
Cyclone Armor
- Can now be cast while in Werewolf or Werebear form
- Damage scaling increased by 50%
- Arctic Blast synergy added: +20% Stun Duration per level
- Casting Delay removed
- Can now be cast while in Werewolf or Werebear form
Shape Shifting Skills
- Tooltip updated to now display Casting Delay
- Changed how attack speed is determined while transformed as a Werewolf. Attack speeds while transformed should match attack speeds while untransformed (enhanced by the Werewolf's increased attack speed).
- Attack Rating bonus increased from +7% to +10% per level
- Poison Creeper synergy increased from 18% to 20%
- Attack Rating bonus increased from +7% to +10% per level
- Tooltip updated to now display Casting Delay
- Changed how attack speed is determined while transformed as a Werebear. Attack speeds while transformed should match attack speeds while untransformed.
Maul (Skill)
- Damage bonus per level increased from 20% to 30%
- Attack Rating bonus increased from +20% to +40% baseline, and +10% to +15% per level
- Tooltip Stun value will now properly cap at 10 seconds, which follows the core game's Stun duration cap
Shock Wave
- Maul synergy increased from 5% to 10%
Fire Claws
- Damage increased by 75%
- Removed synergy from Fissure
- Removed synergy from Volcano
Druid Summoning Skills
Oak Sage
- Min Life and Max Life values are averaged to always be the same, accurate to the tooltip
- Physical Damage Resist in Normal Difficulty increased from 0% to 25%
- Physical Damage Resist in Nightmare Difficulty reduced from 100% to 25%
- Physical Damage Resist in Hell Difficulty increased from 0% to 25%
Heart of the Wolverine
- Min Life and Max Life values are averaged to always be the same, accurate to the tooltip
- Physical Damage Resist in Normal Difficulty increased from 0% to 25%
- Physical Damage Resist in Nightmare Difficulty reduced from 100% to 25%
- Physical Damage Resist in Hell Difficulty increased from 0% to 25%
Spirit of Barbs
- Min Life and Max Life values are averaged to always be the same, accurate to the tooltip
- Aura no longer returns a percentage of damage when hit. Now the aura will deal a flat amount of damage when the aura-effected targets are attacked.
- Physical Damage Resist in Normal Difficulty increased from 0% to 25%
- Physical Damage Resist in Nightmare Difficulty reduced from 100% to 25%
- Physical Damage Resist in Hell Difficulty increased from 0% to 25%
- Number of hits per Raven reduced from 12 to 5, and no longer increases per level
- Attack Rating bonus per level increased from 15% to 30% (now also displays in the tooltip)
- Modified the AI so that the Ravens attack more often
- Damage level scaling significantly increased
- Summon Spirit Wolf synergy added: +12% Damage per level
- Summon Dire Wolf synergy added: +12% Damage per level
- Summon Grizzly synergy added: +12% Damage per level
Summon Spirit Wolf
- Min Life and Max Life values are averaged to always be the same, accurate to the tooltip
- Attacks now deal cold damage and chill for a duration (Provides utility with chilling and acts as an alternative damage type compared to Dire Wolves)
- Damage level scaling increased by 10%
- Base Life increased by about 80%
- Life now increases by 10% per level
- Updated the tooltip to display each synergy bonus value
Summon Dire Wolf
- Min Life and Max Life values are averaged to always be the same, accurate to the tooltip
- Damage level scaling increased by 30%
- Base Life increased by about 90%
- Life synergy reduced from 25% to 15% (This is because the base life was increased, and Spirit Wolf and Grizzly now gain Life per level)
- Updated the tooltip to display each synergy bonus value
Summon Grizzly
- Min Life and Max Life values are averaged to always be the same, accurate to the tooltip
- Base Life increased by ~15%
- Life now increases by 10% per level
- Updated the tooltip to display each synergy bonus value
Poison Creeper
- Min Life and Max Life values are averaged to always be the same, accurate to the tooltip
- Poison damage level scaling significantly increased
- Life scaling increased by 100%
- Rabies synergy added: +10% Poison Damage per level
Carrion Vine
- Min Life and Max Life values are averaged to always be the same, accurate to the tooltip
- Life recovery has been reworked to be +1% Healing per level, instead of using a diminishing calculation ranging from 3%-12%
Solar Creeper
- Min Life and Max Life values are averaged to always be the same, accurate to the tooltip
- Mana recovery has been reworked to be +3% Mana baseline with +1% Mana per level, instead of using a diminishing calculation ranging from 1%-8%
Necromancer Skills Changes
Necromancer Summoning Skills
Raise Skeletal Mage
- Percentage HP per level increased from 7% to 10%
- Poison total damage scaling increased by about 750%. Poison duration no longer scales and now lasts 4 seconds
- Cold damage scaling increased by about 50%
- Lightning damage scaling increased by about 5%
- The tooltip will now properly display the Life scaling per level
Blood Golem
- Now gains Max Life per level
- Damage scaling per level has been increased
Iron Golem
- Thorns no longer return a percentage of damage when hit. Now thorns will deal a flat amount of damage when the aura-effected targets are attacked.
Fire Golem
- Holy Fire level bonus per level increased from 1 to 2
Poison And Bone Skills
Bone Armor
- Damage Absorbed per level increased from 10 to 15
Bone Spear
- Teeth synergy increased from 7% to 8%
- Bone Wall synergy increased from 7% to 8%
- Bone Spear synergy increased from 7% to 8%
- Bone Prison synergy increased from 7% to 8%
Bone Spirit
- Teeth synergy increased from 6% to 8%
- Bone Wall synergy increased from 6% to 8%
- Bone Spear synergy increased from 6% to 8%
- Bone Prison synergy increased from 6% to 8%
Curses Skills
- Damage reduction now scales based on level, from just 33%, to now 33% and +1% per level
- Tooltip updated to now show the status changes
Paladin Skills Changes
Defensive Auras
Resist Fire
- Tooltip now displays max resist bonus
Resist Cold
- Tooltip now displays max resist bonus
Resist Lightning
- Tooltip now displays max resist bonus
Offensive Auras
Blessed Aim
- Tooltip now displays passive Attack Rating bonus
Holy Fire
- Area damage now scales based on the distance of the enemy to the caster. It will now deal a range from 100% damage to 200% based on the furthest distance to the closest distance to the caster.
- Damage level scaling increased by about 90%
- Resist Fire synergy increased from 18% to 24%
- Salvation synergy increased from 6% to 10%
Holy Freeze
- Area damage now scales based on the distance of the enemy to the caster. It will now deal a range from 100% damage to 200% based on the furthest distance to the closest distance to the caster.
Holy Shock
- Area damage now scales based on the distance of the enemy to the caster. It will now deal a range from 100% damage to 200% based on the furthest distance to the closest distance to the caster.
- Aura no longer returns a percentage of damage when hit. Now the aura will deal a flat amount of damage when the aura-effected targets are attacked.
- Area damage now scales based on the distance of the enemy to the caster. It will now deal a range from 100% damage to 200% based on the furthest distance to the closest distance to the caster.
Paladin Combat Skills
- Damage to self now reduces per level, from 8% to 8%-1%
- Maximum conversion chance increased from 50% to 90%
- Tooltip now shows that the skill always hits
Holy Bolt
- Removed synergy Blessed Hammer
- Damage increased by 50%
- Now pierces targets (Undead and Allies)
- Prayer synergy increased from 15% to 20%
Fist of the Heavens
- Casting Delay reduced from 1 second to 0.4 seconds
- Casting Delay will no longer share its cooldown with other skills that have Casting Delays
- Tooltip updated to now display Casting Delay
- Holy Bolts now pierce targets (Undead and Allies)
- No longer forces you to attack when out of mana
- Improved targeting functionality for auto acquiring enemies
Sorceress Skills Changes
Cold Skills
Frost Nova
- Damage level scaling increased by about 25%
- Casting Delay will no longer share its cooldown with other skills that have Casting Delays
- Tooltip updated to now display Casting Delay
Frozen Orb
- Casting Delay will no longer share its cooldown with other skills that have Casting Delays
- Tooltip updated to now display Casting Delay
Frozen Armor
- Base duration increased from 120 seconds to 144 seconds
Shiver Armor
- Damage level scaling increased by about 25%
- Base duration increased from 120 seconds to 144 seconds
Chilling Armor
- Damage level scaling increased by about 200%
- Duration bonus per level increased from 6 seconds to 12 seconds
- Chill length bonus per level for level 16+ increased from 1 second to 2 seconds (matching Shiver Armor)
- Defense baseline increased from 45% to 60%
- Defense bonus per level increased from 5% to 7%
- Frozen Armor damage synergy increased from 7% to 9%
- Chilling Armor damage synergy increased from 7% to 9%
Lightning Skills
- Static Field synergy added: +5% Lightning Damage per level
Thunder Storm
- Static Field synergy added: +7% Lightning Damage per level
- Duration baseline increased from 32 seconds to 144 seconds
- Duration bonus per level increased from 8 seconds to 24 seconds
- Tooltip updated to now display Radius
Energy Shield
- Tooltip updated to display more information about the Mana consumed and the Telekinesis synergy
Fire Skills
- Base damage and level scaling increased by about 75% (also to compensate for the incorrect damage calculation in the past)
- Warmth synergy increased from 13% to 16%
- Controls are updated so that the skill now casts in free form and no longer locks onto one target at a time
- Mana Cost baseline reduced from 7 Mana per second to 4 Mana per second
- Range baseline increased by 75%
- Damage scaling increased by about 60%
- Warmth synergy increased from 4% to 6%
- Removed synergy from Fire Wall
- Now also increases Run/Walk Speed by 2% per level
- Tooltip now also displays Blaze duration
Fire Wall
- Casting Delay will no longer share its cooldown with other skills that have Casting Delays
- Tooltip updated to now display Casting Delay
- Casting Delay will no longer share its cooldown with other skills that have Casting Delays
- Tooltip updated to now display Casting Delay
- Casting delay removed
- Limited max number of Hydra groups to 6
- Fire Bolt synergy increased from +3% to +5%
- Fire Ball synergy increased from +3% to +5%
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue where non-uber bosses were taking too little damage.
- Fixed an issue where the Unbending Will Runeword was not correctly displaying some of its stats.
- Fixed an issue where Civerb's Vestments were granting more defense than intended.
PATCH Nº: 2.3.1
Platforms: PC /Consoles
Date of Patch: Dec. 14, 2021.
Patch Highlights
- Bug Fixes
- Quick Cast
- Force Move
- General Changes
Full Patch Notes:
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue where some characters that have more than one special character in their name were unable to load into the game.
Windows PC
Quick Cast
- Quick Cast skills now properly target allies and corpses
- Fixed an issue where opening the horadric cube while quick casting could cause your character to become stuck continuously casting
- Activating an aura with quick cast will no longer stop your character from moving
- Quick cast melee skills now allow the player to move to the mouse location outside of towns
- Improved quick cast behavior for Inferno and Arctic Blast
- Updated the DLSS .dll file to a more recent version
- Resolved some visual artifacts that would present when using teleport
- Resolved some visual artifacts that would present around partially transparent walls
Force Move
- Classic characters can now change their force move keybinding
- Force move now functions while in your stash and horadric cube menus
- If the player is holding down Force Move, they will now continue moving after using a skill
- Fixed an issue where scrolling through chat could at the same time scroll through your right mouse button skills
- Fixed an issue where performing an inventory action after weapon swapping would un-select your Throw skill
- Fixed a crash that could occur when exiting the game
PATCH Nº: 2.3
Platforms: PC /Consoles
Date of Patch: Dec. 2, 2021.
Patch Highlights
- Offline Difficulty Scaling
- Keyboard and Mouse Quick Cast & Active Skill Bindings
- Accessibility and graphical improvements
- Graphical improvements
- Diablo 2 Resurrected PTR (Public Test Realm)
Full Patch Notes:
Offline Difficulty Scaling
- This feature from the original PC game is now coming to console platforms. For solo offline players who want to scale the game difficulty—as well as the rewards—up to eight players, your wish is being granted. To use this feature, players simply need to open their settings menu, go to the “Game Settings” tab, then “Offline,” and adjust the “Offline Difficulty Scaling” slider.
- Once that setting has been configured, new monsters will spawn with varying HP and reward players with vastly increased experience gains and loot drop rates when defeated.
- In the offline single-player experience, the default player setting is “1,” so you will be able to scale the difficulty anywhere between the range of 1–8. For example, if you wanted to scale the difficulty of monsters in your offline session to the equivalent to having four players present, you would adjust the slider to “4”. As in Diablo II Classic, you’ll have to start a new game session to set your preferred difficulty with the slider.
Keyboard and Mouse Quick Cast & Active Skill Bindings Options
- Currently, players use spells and abilities with a keyboard and mouse by clicking the right and left mouse buttons. This means that players only have access to two abilities at any given time. Most advanced players use the function keys (F1¬–F12) to re-map the right and left mouse buttons if they want to swap their abilities on the fly.
- This means that if you want to use an ability that isn’t currently mapped to one of your mouse buttons, you’ll need to hit the function key that you have mapped to a different skill, and then click the mouse button to use it.
- When we brought controller support to Diablo II: Resurrected, players gained immediate access to up to 12 buttons. When a player presses any of the face buttons or triggers that they have mapped to an ability, they instantly use them. Diablo III uses this same method, and it has become the expectation for most controller interfaces in action role-playing games.
- We’ve seen an outpouring of community feedback requesting this feature for keyboard and mouse play, too. We originally avoided this approach because we feared it would stray too far from the original experience, but the community is eager for it, so we’re determined to deliver.
- Players can now opt to use the Active Skill Bindings bar. This will show an additional bar above the standard HUD at the bottom of the screen. Players can map up to 16 skills (although the tooltip suggests F1–F8) to that additional bar. Furthermore, if the Quick Cast Skills option is active, pressing these buttons will instantly use the abilities rather than just re-map the right or left mouse buttons.
- Ultimately, we leave these new feature customizations to the players’ preference. Players will be empowered to enable the “Quick Cast Skills” option to action bound skills to their current mouse’s location, as well as enable “Display Active Skill Bindings” to display the currently bound skills bar on their screen HUD. At the player’s discretion, now they can tailor their experience to the way they play.
Accessibility and Graphical Improvements
- UI Visual Improvements: A handful of visual tweaks have been made to improve the front-end user interface. An indicator has been added to exemplify what players are muted or ignored. Additionally, the character’s level and expansion type will now be revealed on the lobby screen. We’ve also made improvements to changing the target channel when sending a chat message, so it’s clearer and more straightforward. Lastly, players will now be able to see the real ID names of real ID friends on their friends list.
- Gameplay Improvements: On the gameplay front, we added the “miss” text indicator to Player vs. Player combat. So, players who enable miss text in their options will now be able to see when their character’s attacks miss their opponents in PvE and PvP. Throw can once again be bound to a key even if the player has nothing to throw. Additionally, a new key bind called “Force Move” has been added. When used, the player’s character will automatically navigate to the current mouse location.
- Audio Improvements: Players using a controller on PC or console will now hear audio cues when navigating through potential selections on the Options menu. Beyond that, players will also be able to hear audio cues when auto-filling potions to their character’s belt.
- Graphical Improvements: For players on PC with Nvidia graphic cards compatible with Nvidia DLSS (Deep Learning Super Sampling) technology, those players will now be able to enable DLSS in the graphics setting menu, to increase graphics quality and resolution while maintaining higher GPU performance.
I've registered to tweak the wording for Wisdom runeword. It was saying that it has the downside of taking away from your mana pool. That's not how the "damage goes to mana" attribute works at all, it's not a mana burn type of shield, but actually gives you mana when you take damage. Indeed, very confusing wording! It is what it is.
Raven damage scaling improved greatly and synergies were added. However, the number of hits they can do is being reduced to 5 and no longer increases per level. => incorrect. The number of hits increases with levels but the number of raven is max to 5.