Sorceress Skills in Diablo 2 are the Skills that the Sorceress use to attack, defend and otherwise face down the minions of hell. Every Class has three main Skill trees, each of them composed of 10 different Skills.
There are three distinct skill trees available for the Sorceress, these are: Cold Spells, Fire Spells and Lightning Spells. Each one is focused on a different element.
Best Sorcerress skills to use in your builds, maximizing your capabilities and synergizing with Runewords and Equipment.
Important Note: With the release of Patch 2.4 these skills have been updated.
Cold Skills
Chilling Armor now has a great Defense Bonus and Damage Potencial. Frost Nova has received damage scaling improvements.
Lightning Skills
Some Synergies have been added.
Fire Skills
Inferno has gained control improvements with free form casting and better damage scaling. Blaze does not require synergies as much as before, it also gained a damage increase and a new Run/Walk Speed buff to be more useful as a target. Hydra no longer has Casting Delay and the new limitation on Max hydras will match the maximum Hydra count from before this patch.
Best Sorceress skills in diablo 2
Best Sorceress Skills
Best Cold Spells
Best Fire Spells
Best Lightning Spells
Sorceress Skills in Diablo 2
Cold Spells

Ice Bolt
Creates a Magical Bolt of Ice that damages and slows your enemies.
- Lvl Req: 1

Frozen Armor
Increases your defense rating and freezes enemies that hit you.
- Lvl Req: 1

Frost Nova
Creates an expanding ring of ice that damage and slows all nearby enemies.
- Lvl Req: 6

Ice Blast
Creates a magical Sphere of Ice that damage and freezes your enemy.
- Lvl Req: 6

Shiver Armor
Increases your defense rating freezes and damage enemies that hit you.
- Lvl Req: 12

Glacial Spike
Creates a magical ice comet that freezes or kills nearby enemies.
- Lvl Req: 18

Summons massive shards of ice to destroy your enemies.
- Lvl Req: 24

Chilling Armor
Increases defense and discharges an ice bolt in retaliation against ranged attackers.
- Lvl Req: 24

Frozen Orb
Creates a magical globe that sprays a torrent of ice bolts to lay waste to your enemies.
- Lvl Req: 30

Cold Mastery
Passive Effect: Increases the damage of your cold attacks by piercing enemies resistances to cold.
- Lvl Req: 30
Fire Spells

Fire Bolt
Creates a magical flaming missile
- Lvl Req: 1

Passive Effect: Increases the rate at which you recover mana
- Lvl Req: 1

Creates a continuous jet of flame to scorch your enemies
- Lvl Req: 6

Creates a wall of fire in your wake to scorch your enemies
- Lvl Req: 12

Fire Ball
Creates an explosive sphere of Fiery Death to engulf your enemies.
- Lvl Req: 12

Fire Wall
Creates a wall of flame that blocks or burns your enemies
- Lvl Req: 18

Enchants equipped weapon of targeted character or minion adds fire damage to melee weapons. Adds one third fire damage to ranged weapons.
- Lvl Req: 18

Summons a meteor from the heavens to crush and incinerate your enemies.
- Lvl Req: 24

Fire Mastery
Passive Effect: Increases all damage caused by your fire spells.
- Lvl Req: 30

Summons a multi-head beast of flame to reduce your enemies to ashes.
- Lvl Req: 30
Lightning Spells

Static Field
Creates an electrical field that reduces life of all neraby enemies
- Lvl Req: 6

Uses the power of your mind to pick up items, use objects, and knock back enemies
- Lvl Req: 6

Creates a powerful lightning bolt to lay waste to your enemies.
- Lvl Req: 12

Creates an expanding ring of lightning to shock nearby enemies.
- Lvl Req: 12

Chain Lightning
Creates a bolt of Lightning that arcs through several targets.
- Lvl Req: 18

Instantly moves to a destination within your line of sight
- Lvl Req: 18

Thunder Storm
Summons a deadly thunderstorm that strikes your enemies with bolts of lightning
- Lvl Req: 24

Energy Shield
Creates a magical that consumes mana instead of health when you take damage.
- Lvl Req: 24

Lightning Mastery
Passive Effect: Increases all damage caused by your Lightning Spells.
- Lvl Req: 30
All Sorceress Skills Comparison Table
Name |
Tree |
Lvl Req |
Effect |
First Level |
Cold Spells | 1 | Creates a Magical Bolt of Ice that damages and slows your enemies. | Mana Cost: 3 Damage: 3-5 Cold Length (seconds): 6 |
Cold Spells | 1 | Increases your defense rating and freezes enemies that hit you. | Mana Cost: 7 Defense Bonus %: 30 Duration (seconds): 120 Freeze Length (seconds): 1.2 |
Cold Spells | 6 | Creates an expanding ring of ice that damage and slows all nearby enemies. | Mana Cost 9 Cold Damage: 2-6 Cold Length (seconds): 8 |
Cold Spells | 6 | Creates a magical Sphere of Ice that damage and freezes your enemy. | Mana Cost: 6 Cold Damage: 8-12 Freeze Length (seconds): 3 |
Cold Spells | 12 | Increases your defense rating freezes and damage enemies that hit you. | Mana Cost: 11 Defense Bonus %: 45 Damage: 6-8 Duration (seconds): 130 Cold Length: 4 Seconds |
Cold Spells | 18 | Creates a magical ice comet that freezes or kills nearby enemies. | Mana Cost: 10 Damage: 17-26 Freeze Length (seconds): 2 |
Cold Spells | 24 | Summons massive shards of ice to destroy your enemies. | Mana Cost: 23 Damage per Second: 51-86 Duration: 4 Seconds |
Cold Spells | 24 | Increases defense and discharges an ice bolt in retaliation against ranged attackers. | Mana Cost: 17 Defense Bonus %: 45 Damage: 4-6 Duration (seconds): 164 |
Cold Spells | 30 | Creates a magical globe that sprays a torrent of ice bolts to lay waste to your enemies. | Mana Cost: 25 Cold Damage: 40-45 Cold Length (seconds): 8 |
Cold Spells | 30 | Passive Effect: Increases the damage of your cold attacks by piercing enemies resistances to cold. | Enemy Resistance -%: 20 |
Fire Spells | 1 | Creates a magical flaming missile | Mana Cost: 2.5 Damage: 3-6 |
Fire Spells | 1 | Passive Effect: Increases the rate at which you recover mana | 30 Percent |
Fire Spells | 6 | Creates a continuous jet of flame to scorch your enemies | Mana Cost: 7 Damage (per sec): 12-25 Range (yards): 3.3 |
Fire Spells | 12 | Creates a wall of fire in your wake to scorch your enemies | Mana Cost: 11 Damage: 18-37 Duration (seconds): 4.6 |
Fire Spells | 12 | Creates an explosive sphere of Fiery Death to engulf your enemies | Mana Cost: 6 Damage: 6-15 Radius (yards): 1 |
Fire Spells | 18 | Creates a wall of flame that blocks or burns your enemies | Mana Cost: 22 Damage per Second: 70-94 Radius (yards): 4 Duration: 3.6 Seconds |
Fire Spells | 18 | Enchants equipped weapon of targeted character or minion adds fire damage to melee weapons. Adds one third fire damage to ranged weapons. | Mana Cost: 26 Damage per Second: 70-94 Radius (yards): 4 Duration: 3.6 Seconds |
Fire Spells | 24 | Summons a meteor from the heavens to crush and incinerate your enemies, | Mana Cost: 17 Fire Damage: 80-100 Fire Damage per second: 35-58 Radius 4 yards |
Fire Spells | 30 | Passive Effect: Increases all damage caused by your fire spells. | Fire Damage 30 Percent |
Fire Spells | 30 | Summons a multi-head beast of flame to reduce your enemies to ashes. | Mana Cost: 20 Damage: 14-19 Duration: 10 Seconds |
Lightning Spells | 1 | Attacks with a series of rapid thrusts using a Javelin or Spear class weapon. | Mana Cost: 3 Damage: 2-4 # of Bolts: 3 |
Lightning Spells | 6 | Creates an electrical field that reduces life of all neraby enemies | Mana Cost: 9 Radius (yards): 3.3 Damage: 25% |
Lightning Spells | 6 | Uses the power of your mind to pick up items, use objects, and knock back enemies | Mana Cost: 7 Damage: 1-2 |
Lightning Spells | 12 | Creates a powerful lightning bolt to lay waste to your enemies. | Mana Cost: 8 Damage: 1-43 |
Lightning Spells | 12 | Creates an expanding ring of lightning to shock nearby enemies. | Mana Cost: 15 Lightning Damage: 1-20 |
Lightning Spells | 18 | Creates a bolt of Lightning that arcs through several targets. | Mana Cost: 9 Damage: 1-40 Hits # Targets: 5 |
Lightning Spells | 18 | Instantly moves to a destination within your line of sight | Mana Cost: 24 |
Lightning Spells | 24 | Summons a deadly thunderstorm that strikes your enemies with bolts of lightning | Duration: 32 seconds Lightning Damage: 1-100 Mana Cost: 19 |
Lightning Spells | 24 | Creates a magical that consumes mana instead of health when you take damage. | Duration: 144 Seconds Absorbs: 20 percent Mana Cost: 6 |
Lightning Spells | 30 | Passive Effect: Increases all damage caused by your Lightning Spells. | Lightning Damage +%: 50 |