Enemies in Diablo 2 covers a compendium of all the hostile creatures you'll encounter in the game. These creatures who inhabit the different Locations, have their own distinct features and set of attacks which make each enemy stand out on its very own. Although they pose a threat and an ever-changing challenge, these enemies provide various drops that reward players with items they will need as they continue to progress through the game.
There are 3 categories of Enemies: Monsters (Normal Monsters), Super Unique Monsters and Bosses.
Super Unique Monsters are special enemies with no equal, they have an individual specific name and they are generally related to the story of the game.
Bosses are the final enemy of each act. Defeating a Boss will give the player access to the next Act. For more information, visit Bosses.
Enemies in Diablo 2
Super Unique Monsters in Diablo 2 covers a compendium of all the hostile creatures you'll encounter in the game. Super Unique Monsters are special enemies with no equal, they have an individual specific name and some of them are directly related to Quests and it's required to defeat them to complete the corresponding quest. Super Unique Monsters represent a higher threat compared to Normal Monsters, but they also drop better rewards when defeated.
This is a list of the Super Unique Monster you may encounter during the game.
Act 1 Super Unique Monsters
Act 2 Super Unique Monsters
Act 3 Super Unique Monsters
Act 4 Super Unique Monsters
Act 5 Super Unique Monsters
Monsters in Diablo 2
Monsters (Normal Monsters) in Diablo 2 may appear with different colours and with name variations, but same appearance. These variations only mean that the monster is the same, but it has different stats. This information can be found detailed below by clicking in any monster in the list below.
This a list of the Monsters (Normal Monsters), that appear for the first time during Act 1.
Act 1 Monsters (Normal Monsters)
This a list of the Monsters (Normal Monsters), that appear for the first time during Act 2.
Act 2 Monsters (Normal Monsters)
This a list of the Monsters (Normal Monsters), that appear for the first time during Act 3.
Act 3 Monsters (Normal Monsters)
This a list of the Monsters (Normal Monsters), that appear for the first time during Act 4.
Act 4 Monsters (Normal Monsters)
This a list of the Monsters (Normal Monsters), that appear for the first time during Act 5.
Act 5 Monsters (Normal Monsters)
Bosses in Diablo 2 covers a compendium of these various special type of Enemies that a player can encounter in the game. Bosses have a higher amount of health and are distinctively unique with their own set of moves. Bosses match the description to Super Unique Monsters but each Boss plays the role of the final enemy for each act, and it is required to defeating a Boss will give the player access to the next Act.
You can find detailed information about the Bosses in Diablo 2 and how to defeat them on their individual page.
All Bosses in Diablo 2
Each Act Boss plays the role of the final enemy for each act, and it is required to defeating a Boss will give the player access to the next Act.
Act Bosses
By defeating Mephisto, Diablo and Baal in Hell Difficulty, these boses will drop special keys. These keys can open portals to access the Pandemonium Event locations. In these locations, the player may encounter the "Uber" versions of all the Bosses which are the same Bosses with buffed stats, and the player may have to fight them one after another.
Pandemonium Event Bosses
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